
How to get Microsoft Office 2019 for free legally

We are all (hopefully) familiar with the programs included with Microsoft Office. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote.  For those of us who have used them, we know that they are amazing. But then why are you reading this? You already have experienced the amazing power of Office. But you might have Office in your school and want to have it on your home computer. In that case, or any other case, read this! First step, go to  This Microsoft Office Downloader  and download the tool. It's about seven megabytes. It does not require administrative privileges, however, later on you will need those privileges. This is what the site looks like. Open the app and in the top right corner, select office (1). Then select office 2019 (2), then select the version and language. (3) Then click download. The file is about 3.5 Gigabytes, so make sure you have enough space. Now is a great time to use a download manager/accelerator, such as  Download Accelerator Plus . Now that you've downloade